Hey readers, yes your most used and popular app Facebook is losing its rating on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store because of the Pro – Palestinians, as they’re asking people to quit FB and rate it with 1-star in the review section of the respective app stores.
What’s the full matter?
Actually, NBC News has reported that Palestine activists have conducted a campaign on social media due to which the ranking of Facebook is falling significantly on the Apple and Google Play Store.
The campaign is going as the activists are asking people to quit the Facebook app and also mark a 1-star review on the app stores which is really working to hit the ranking.
Why the Palestine Acticits are Protesting against Facebook?
The Palestine activists are upset about the fact that FB is putting censorship on Palestinian accounts and posts. All the posts are being removed from FB related to the Palestinians and now the activists Are campaigning against Facebook for silencing their voices and removing the hashtags like #FreePalestine and #GazaUnderAttack
Facebook’s reaction towards The Campaign
Social Media gaints have literally buckled up and are really taking the issue seriously. Internally the issue is called under SEV1 (severity 1) and one of the software engineers internally posted on FB that the user trust is really dropping significantly due to the rift between Israel and Palestine and the users are really upset about the way FB is handling the situation.
The comapny also says that the users are thinking that Facebook is censoring their posts and dominating their voices, not allowing them to raise their voices on issues and so they are protesting.
The reaction of Apple and Google app stores
Readers, where last week Facebook was rated as a 4-star app, the protest has dropped down the rating to 2.3 out of 5 on the Apple App Store and 2.4 out of 5 on the Google Play Store.
Moreover, where FB has requested the Apple App Store to remove the negative comments from the review section, the Apple App Store has denied the request, taking its own foot out of the issue and avoiding any controversy while till now Google Play Store has not responded to company’s request.
So, readers, it will be interesting to know what will happen further. Will the rating of FB keep on dropping or will the campaign come to an end.
Stay tuned for more and do not forget to tell us what you think about it in the comment section below.