Fastest Internet
If ever have you wondered and cursed your internet speed then let me tell you about the fastest internet in the world to make you feel worse. A new world record for the fastest internet in the world at 178 terabits per second (Tbps) (178000 Gbps) is set by researchers at University College London.

And if we talk about internet speed, the minimum internet speed in India is 2 Mbps. The project was headed by Dr. Lidia Galdino from the Royal Academy of Engineering, Xtera, and Kiddi Research.
Previous Records
Previously, many of you must have heard of the reports of the fastest internet speeds that are in Australia which were recorded at 44.2 Tbps. And if we talk about this new speed, it is actually 4 times the previously recorded speeds in Australia.

So the question arises, what can we do with this speed? You can simply download everything on Netflix within one second. Yeah, you read that right.
How was it Achieved
UCL researchers applied a higher range of wavelengths instead of the traditional fiber optics and used newer amplified technology to boost the signal farther while amplifying it, to tap into such insane speeds.
Bandwidth Use
The current infrastructure uses a bandwidth of 4.5THz for the internet we use. In some of the new markets 9THz commercial bandwidth has just shown up. 16.8THz bandwidth is used for super-fast internet to get that 128Tbps speed.
Release for Consumer Use
You must be thinking it is a pretty expensive experience, but you may be wrong. Upgrading these amplifiers costs only a fraction of what it costs to install fiber optic cables that are used nowadays as per the reports UCL.
Ok but Don’t be super excited to expect this speed any time soon as it is used for experimental and technological purposes only for now.
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