The New Microsoft Edge
Microsoft has managed to improve its browser – Edge, which is even better than the Chrome browser. But this new Edge has managed to annoy its users of Windows 10 as it is very difficult to ignore.
Microsoft possesses brilliant sales techniques but sometimes it does not get good reviews, even though it has a good product to sell. Many of the users of Windows 10 are a bit irritated and complain about Microsoft’s sneaky maneuvers, specifically more concerned about the Edge browser.

Is new Edge annoying?
Edge is considered to be a very good browser, some users find it better than chrome too. But the problem lies here that Microsoft has made it difficult for users to ignore or terminate Edge. Some of the rumors say that it has been stealing data from Chrome. Not only Windows 10, but few users who are still at terminal Windows 7 are annoyed. They describe Edge as Malware because it forced Windows 7 system to adopt its new browser.

Most of the readers must be imagining that Microsoft needs to rethink their strategy. Or maybe you just think maybe there is the uncertainty of how to handle these attention spans by the browser or just completely ignore this browser. Most of us simply get annoyed because of the popping up of messages which includes me.
Can’t Uninstall Microsoft Edge
Microsoft with its latest step over Edge will be a concern to the groups that get annoyed easily, as the company provided a discreet update on its support pages, where the headline was like “Can’t Uninstall Microsoft Edge” which seems like a troublesome headline.
All of you must be thinking, this was just a concern question by any user and he is not able to uninstall it. But wait! This was an announcement from the company on one of their support pages. They started their announcement with their wish to migrate their Windows users from old Edge to the new one.
The update included that the new version grants full control to the user over importing personal data from a legacy version of Microsoft Edge. This is the type of care Microsoft gives to you and this is real care of your data that is holier than Google.

Inbuilt Upgrade with Windows Update
But wait, don’t be happy too soon, this new version of Microsoft Edge is pre-included in Windows system update and the option to uninstall or use the legacy version of Microsoft Edge is no longer available.
The people who get annoyed will cry because Microsoft is not offering the product but forcing it on the Windows user. What if the user does not want the product, even the cable operators were smart enough to provide the benefit of pay for what you watch, so why can’t Microsoft think of that?
Although there are ways available all over the web to minimize the control of the browser on the screen, although this can lead you to restrict Edge but not eliminate.
Microsoft trying to grab big share of market
Microsoft is not even trying to cast the features of Edge to its audience which are palpable and gone about launching in a painful imperfect manner. But they are using little of a brute muscle to distribute their product.
Microsoft should have tried to charm about their all-new Edge in Windows 10 because telling them that they can’t uninstall it is a bit weird. Why not launch initially Edge as a beta test for a week, open room for improvements as it would have shown Microsoft’s confidence in a new product.

But Microsoft has a strong strategy to captivate over the market share as soon as possible. They just want to win the support of the people who are using Chrome as it is considered to be a memory hog, might give advantage to Edge. And also Microsoft wants a good bite of genuine users of Firefox.
But at the end of the day, a big tech company like Microsoft will think most of the users won’t even care to pay attention and would happily & willingly try the new Microsoft Edge. And Microsoft is not at all wrong.