With the end of the year 2021, Telegram seems to appear for good competition with Whatsapp giving its users a quintuple of extra features including the option to add a spoiler effect to messages. Telegram messenger has now become better than Whatsapp by introducing its new features. Telegram adds new features like:
- Reactions
- Message translations
- Spoilers
- Theme QR Code
- New Menus for MacOS
- More Interactive Emojis
So now let us just discuss some of them one by one:

Users can now react to specific messages with emojis and each reaction is uniquely animated. This feature seems so much fun making the conversations more interactive.
Animated emojis are always turned on in private chats but in group chats and channels, admins will decide whether they will be used or not.
Remember that there is a default reaction set for all private chats. You can update it from Settings.

Users can now translate any message into other languages within the app. This message translation update is accessible on all Android devices that support Telegram, but for iOS, the iOS 15 plus version is required.
The number of supported languages will be the same as available on the operating system.
Spoiler Effect

Telegram is now featuring the Spoiler effect which can hide a part of the text. This is really going to spice up things a bit adding fun as well as a little thrill to the talks. The hidden message applies to chat lists and notifications also. You have to type the message, highlight it and then change the format to the spoiler option. When the recipient wants, a hidden message will be revealed by tapping on it.
QR-codes with Themes
QR codes have become more demandable in applications as it is an easy way to log in or share details. Telegram with QR code system will be proved helpful. A themed QR code can be generated from profiles as well as from different groups, bots, or channels.
Some more Interactive Emojis
Telegram also offers new exciting versions of some emojis that will surely jazz up your personal and group chats. You just need to tap to start the full-screen effect. Emojis supporting new animations include LOL animation, hot animation, snowflakes, and starstruck.
so readers, for now, this was all about the article on “Telegram adds new features”. What is your opinion about these features, do you like them, do tell us in the comment section below.