Yeah, you heard me right, Jamie Foxx is in “final” talks to reprise his role as the villainous blue volt zapping Electro in the upcoming MCU’s third Spider-Man film, starring Tom Holland which is dated for Dec. 17, 2021. This news could be a surprise for anyone who remembers The Amazing Spider-Man 2, (starring Andrew Garfield as Spidey) in which spidey ends up overloading Electro’s (played by Foxx) volt zapping body and killing him.
According to the reports from The Hollywood Reporter, the Oscar-winner Jamie Foxx is in ‘final talks’ to return as Electro with Tom Holland as Spider-Man, for the third Spider-Man stand-alone film directed by John Watts.

Sinister Six coming to MCU ahead of Jamie Foxx’s return as Electro?
Jamie Foxx’s return as Electro could be a strong hint that Sinister Six is coming to MCU. As we have seen Vulture, Shocker, and Scorpion in Spider-Man: Homecoming, Mysterio in the most recent Spider-Man: Far From Home, Electro if this becomes official and at last the Dr. Octopus who can play the main role in assembling the Sinister Six and could be the main villain in upcoming Spider-Man movie. Dr. Octopus is very likely to come because we have seen Avengers Tower turning into an Oscorp building in Spider-Man: Far From Home. Which too gives a hint at Sinister Six assembling.
On a related note, the Morbius trailer further tied the Sony and Marvel together, with Michael Keaton’s Vulture (who was featured in Spider-Man: Homecoming) making an appearance in Morbius trailer.

WandaVision to affect Spider-Man 3
Now the important thing is, if we’re going to see Jamie Foxx playing all-new role of Electro or we will see him continuing the role back from the Garfield’s spidey verse. Because the new movie is coming after the TV series WandaVision and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. And one has to see if the results of Wanda messing up with reality for his little Vision and snaping the reality stone four times are going to prove what Mysterio previously mentioned about the multiverse in Far From Home. Or they are going create chaos in the multiverse which we can see Doctor Strange dealing with in the next sequel.
On a related note just to remind you we have also seen JK Simmons (who played Jameson in the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man trilogy) as brought back as J Jonah Jameson in a quick cameo at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home which also happened after the snaping of reality stone four times. And there could be a chance that things going to happen in WandaVsion will directly affect the Spider-Man’s upcoming movie who knows.

Well for now with MCU’s Spider-Man 3, we will see Jon Watts returning as a director for the third time, and most of Spidey’s gang i.e. Zendaya (as MJ), Marisa Tomei (as Aunt May), Jacob Batalon (as Ned) and Tony Revolori (as Eugene “Flash” Thompson). The untitled Spider-Man 3 is set to arrive in theaters on Dec. 17, 2021, if not get delayed again due to CoronaVirus.
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