A judge in the UK has declined to extradite Julian Assange to the USA where he is being sued with espionage on his work on WikiLeaks.
The Guardian reports that this morning, the decision was released by a criminal court and the Wall Street Journal reported that the judge observed that the suicide risk was too high.
Julian Assange is currently in British detention awaiting a bail request and the US Government is free to appeal the ruling. This specific decision is only connected to the US extradition request in compliance with an extradition arrangement between the United Kingdom and the United States. Here is the complete ruling.
The case posed serious questions regarding freedom of expression because many legal experts view the case of Wikileaks as retaliation for information publishing by the government. The extradition is also highly prominent, with a number of demonstrations against Assange and extradition by the United Kingdom.

The outgoing president Donald Trump, who benefited from the release by DNC Wikileaks in the 2016 campaign, reportedly considered Assange for pardon. Assange was however not included in an appeal round in December, and it is unknown whether Trump wants to interfere in this case.