The Division Heartland is a mysterious free-to-play online action game and a spin-off of Tom Clancy’s The Divison series, described as a standalone experience by its publisher i.e., Ubisoft. Earlier this month, Ubisoft announced that the Division Heartland is coming in 2021-22 to PC and consoles. Though there aren’t any official details on it, that might change today with some significant leaks from the exclusive testing phase.
A couple of videos have been leaked describing early gameplay and information on the setting. The recordings come from an exclusive test given out to a small number of participants from the community for the sole purpose of gathering feedback. (Note: Video embeds are out of the question because leaked footages have already being taken down by the company)
The first leaked video shows only the Lead Game Designer making the testers familiar to The Division Heartland. Additionally, there’s also a twenty-minute long video of gameplay uploaded on Vimeo that unveils further info on The Division Heartland directly from the in-game menus.
In the test scenario, two modes are available for the players to play in. It’s unconfirmed if this is meant to be a traditional battle royale or an attempt on The Division’s own true Survival and Darkzone modes. Players can pick between Shooter, Medic, and Survivalist, where each can provide exceptional abilities and perks.
The second leaked video (now has been taken down) has the gameplay with early assets and a huge serving of lag.
Being developed by Red Storm Entertainment, The Division Heartland has such a wide release window that it may launch either this year or the next. It is stated to hit PC, consoles, and cloud platforms. Ubisoft should have a peculiar unveil prepared to showcase the project on its own terms during E3 next month.
Ubisoft also announced this month that it’s currently working on The Division mobile game, along with a Netflix adaption. Also, The Division 2 will also be receiving new content as part of a coming update in late 2021.