A study called HP India Gaming Landscape Report 2021 says that gaming is becoming a career of choice among Indian youth. It studies the trend of e-gaming in the country. It talks about the impact of gaming on people, including women, students, millennials, and Gen Z from all over India, and stated that 89 percent of repliers felt that a PC is still the better option for gaming than a smartphone.
PC Gaming: Preference among India’s gaming community
The gaming landscape has been changed over the last few years especially when it comes to PC and console gaming. And according to the company, 37 percent of mobile gamers want to move to PC for a better gaming experience. The main reason for this is the nationwide availability of high-speed internet connectivity. This has not only contributed to the increasing number of online gamers but now gaming is being considered a feasible career option in the country.

A survey conducted by HP
The study concluded 1,500 respondents completing the survey from 25 Metros, Tier-1, and Tier-2 cities across India between March and April 2021. These respondents were aged between 15 to 40 years, where most of the males accounted for 72%. While the rest 28% were females with a mix of PC and Mobile phone users, comprising action and adventure games on PCs and smartphones.
We can’t deny the fact that a lot of feedback could be inspired by the pandemic-induced lockdowns and restrictions. Although, this is a good sign for the Indian Youth interested in gaming and also for the PC gaming community.
Gaming: A mode of bursting stress Indian Youth
The report stated that 92% of respondents feel like gaming helps in relieving work and study pressure. They felt that being immersed in the virtual world of gaming is the best approach to burst the stress and work pressure and a way to “induce positive feelings”.

Also, 91% of people feel that Gaming helps them socialize better with their peers and also a good way to make new friends. While 92% of people feel that gaming boosts attention and the level of concentration.
So, as mentioned we’ve discussed the impact of gaming on Indian youth. We saw HP India gaming landscape report 2021 about Indian Youth, where 84% of all women respondents want to pursue gaming as a career, followed by 80% of male respondents. 89 percent of respondents believe that a PC offers a better gaming experience than a smartphone and 92% of respondents feel like gaming helps in relieving work and study pressure. So, these were the perks of gaming that were observed during a survey conducted by HP.
So, I hope that now you all must have realized that why gaming is considered a career of choice among Indian youth. Don’t forget to drop your views related to this survey in the comment section. Till then stay tuned for further updates.