Are you looking for a Lego brick? then Daniel West’s Raspberry Pi universal Lego sorting machine is just the thing you need. This Lego brick sorting machine is made up of Lego bricks, and has the ability to recognize any brick shape!
As firstly spotted by Tom’s Hardware, this sorting machine is made of 10,000 individual Lego bricks. And its sorting operation is powered by a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ was used, but a Raspberry Pi 4 could also be used to do the trick says, Daniel.

This machine’s system uses a lot more than just bricks and Raspberry Pi, there are a few microelectronic components, with 6 Lego motors and 9 servo motors. All these motors operate a series of belts that help to move lego bricks one at a time and further are sorted into one of its 18 collector buckets.
It scans Lego bricks by using a Pi Camera Module V2 and then images are sent to a nearby PC by wireless connectivity, which then uses an AI neural network to recognize the bricks and predict which one new. Once it identifies the brick, the information is relayed back to the Pi, which then moves the brick into the proper bucket.