Back in 2014, on its 35th anniversary Gundam franchise announced a Gundam Reconguista in G series. Later in 2017, Yushiyuki Tomino, creator of Mobile Suit Gundam proclaimed a 5 compilation film project under the same belt. We have come a long way with 2 compilation films already on board and recently Bandai Namco Art and Sunrise studios dropped trailer for Gundam Reconguista in G III: The Legacy of Space, third installment in the 5 film series.
The tweet reads, “The movie version “G’s Reconguista” has finally been released in less than two weeks. The ban on this notice of “heritage of space” has been lifted”. This film is set to retell the 2014 26 episode series with some new details in story and animation.
Gundam Reconguista in G is set years after the events of Universal century when humanity has nothing but Capital tower, this gigantic elevator supplies people and commodities in and out of the planet. G-Self and its pilots Bellri Zenam and Aida have to save Earth from conspiracies and secrets lurking in the shadows. What’s especially interesting about the series was the return of Yushiyuki Tomino as writer and director who hadn’t directed the series since Turn A in 1999.
“The Universal century, an era of historic migration into space and space wars has ended, and some time has passed. Bellri Zenam is a cadet in the Capital Guard, the protectors of the tower and Bellri crosses paths with the G-Self, a mobile suit with unknown technology”– this is how Crunchyroll sketches the series.
The trailer of Gundam Reconguista in G III is looking intriguing so far with iconic mecha material, some sassy looking mecha battles, space pirates, vintage art style nexed political plot and preaching us the motive and meaning of war. The international release date is yet to be announced for Gundam Reconguista in G III, but it will release in Japan on July 22.
G-Reco in G: Go! Core Fighter, first of the five was released in Paris’ Japan expo back in 2019. Two months later came second installment, G-Reco: Bellri’s Fierce Charge.