Qualcomm also introduced a new chipset, the Snapdragon 732G SoC, introduced by the company as a follow-up to its popular mid-range mobile chipset, the Snapdragon 730G. Qualcomm says the chipset provides substantial improvements over its predecessor as it delivers enhanced artificial intelligence ( AI) performance as well as Processor and GPU.
It will also have features such as Snapdragon Elite Gaming and Qualcomm AI Engine of the 4th generation. The Snapdragon 732 G SoC comes with a Qualcomm Snapdragon X15 LTE modem for communication.
Interestingly enough, the firm has also announced that a Pocophone smartphone would be the first handset to use the chipset. Although Qualcomm did not disclose any product details, Poco indicated the phone will be called the Poco X3. Poco went ahead soon after releasing details about the relationship and revealed the global launch date for its highly awaited smartphone, Poco X3. The company has confirmed through a tweet from its official handle that the device will be launched on September 7.
Elsewhere, Product Head of Poco, Sam Jiang said, “We are extremely excited about the upcoming Poco smartphone and our partnership with Qualcomm Technologies that helped us to build the first handset
on the market with the new Snapdragon 732 G Mobile Platform.” Speaking of the phone, he said the handset will redefine the relationship between the price of a phone and its capabilities.
This smartphone is supposed to be a mid-range fighter and has already been leaked to carry a quad-camera set-up based on a 64-megapixel lens and also features a huge battery with probably 65W or even faster rapid charge. As already reported, the phone is also expected to feature Qualcomm’s latest chipset.
As for the chipset, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 732 G SoC carries some parallels to its predecessor in terms of core architecture, since it still houses Qualcomm’s Kryo 470 CPU at its heart — while operating at slightly higher clock speed. In addition, the chipset is also claimed to provide the Adreno 618 GPU with a very powerful graphics processor. Besides that, the chipset also gets the Snapdragon Elite Gaming and the 4th-generation Qualcomm AI Engine for “simple interactions and predictive user experiences with distributed intelligence twice as powerful as previous generations.”
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