Space Stories of the week were full of natural phenomena but humans are not so lazy to mark their absence.
Black Hole that Dwarfs Milky Way Galaxy
The first of the space stories is a distant supermassive black hole with an X-ray jet has been discovered by a space telescope.
Astronomers using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory discovered a jet coming from an object 12.7 billion light-years away from Earth, which is relatively early in the universe’s 13.77-billion-year history. If confirmed, it would be one of the most distant jet-shooting objects ever discovered.
The jet originates from a quasar, which are active galactic nuclei that feed on supermassive black holes and can emit massive quantities of energy. Astronomers hope to learn more about how massive black holes collided so early in the universe’s history by researching the jet, known as PSO J352.4034-15.3373 (PJ352-15 for short).
Tornado on Jupiter at 900mph Speed

The second in the line for this week’s space stories is a huge storm raging in Jupiter’s iconic Great Red Spot is well-known, but scientists have now measured winds near the gas giant’s poles that make the storm look like a breeze in comparison.
The winds are detected just beneath the bright auroras that can be seen near the poles in the planet’s stratosphere. With wind speeds of 900 miles per hour, astronomers refer to them as “powerful jets” (1,450 kilometres per hour). That’s twice the speed of the Great Red Spot and three times the strength of Earth’s most powerful tornadoes.
Wind speeds at this altitude were predicted to be much lower, so the discovery of such a strong force in the middle of the planet’s atmosphere was unexpected.
SpaceX’s 1st Starship Super Heavy booster
Third of the list of space stories is as: the second half of SpaceX’s Starship deep-space transportation system is beginning to emerge from the shadows.

Three full-size prototypes of the 165-foot-tall (50-meter) Starship spacecraft have launched on high-altitude test flights in the last three months, each with spectacular but ultimately explosive results. Until now, however, the company had not shown any versions of Super Heavy, the 230-foot-tall (70-meter) booster that will launch Starship away from Earth.
“First Super Heavy booster,” SpaceX CEO and Founder Elon Musk said on Twitter on Thursday afternoon (March 18), posting a picture of the massive rocket at the company’s South Texas facility near Boca Chica.
Booster number one “is a pathfinder in the production industry, figuring out how to build and transport a 70-meter-tall stage. Booster 2 will take off “Musk said in another tweet on Thursday.
Image of Milky Way Developed in 12 Years
4th of space stories describes as J-P Metsavainio, a Finnish astrophotographer, spent 1,250 hours over the course of about 12 years making a single picture that shows the Milky Way galaxy’s magnificent beauty.

Metsavainio mentions this in his blog “the mosaic’s size and the fact that the picture is very deep Another reason is that I shot most of the mosaic frames as separate compositions and published them as separate works of art.” Metsavainio also provides information about the different cameras he used as well as some of the more specialised methods he used to make this image in his blog.
Hidden Ocean In Mars
5th in line of space stories is as: For quite a long time, researchers have guessed about what may have happened to all the water on Mars, which is accepted to have been a considerably wetter planet ages prior. Some water can be discovered frozen in the Martian polar ice covers, yet new exploration shows there’s additionally a stunning measure of water in Mars. The disclosure could significantly affect creating plans to reap water for a future human presence on the red planet.

It’s been generally assumed that as Mars’ antiquated atmosphere was slowly sucked out into space, a lot of its surface water went with it. However, another NASA-upheld study recommends a critical part of all that Martian moisture is as yet in the planet, caught in its crust.
Space Junk Thrown by Space Station
Not so Environment friendly 6th space stories of the week is: NASA spokesperson Leah Cheshier told Gizmodo that the orbiting lab discarded a 2.9-ton (2.6 metric tonnes) pallet of used batteries on Thursday morning (March 11) — the most massive object it has ever thrown away.

According to agency officials, the space junk is expected to fall back to Earth in two to four years. The pallet will also burn “harmlessly in the atmosphere,” according to the update, but not everyone is convinced.
Supermassive Black Pressing GAS! GAS! GAS!
The astronomers who discovered it don’t know why a supermassive black hole is speeding across the universe at 110,000 mph (177,000 km/h). The 3 million-times-heavier-than-our-sun black hole is zipping through the centre of the galaxy J0437+2456, about 230 million light-years away.

Scientists have long speculated that black holes could move, but such movement is rare due to their massive mass, which necessitates an equally massive force to move them. If the black hole is being dragged around by a larger, unseen black hole, this might explain why it’s moving so quickly, but more observations are needed to solve the puzzle.