In September, Wrestling Inc exclusive announced that the WWE released the Superstars edict to discontinue all operations on third-party platforms.
Here’s an excerpt from an email from Vince McMahon sent a month ago to the talents:
“Some of you are engaged with outside third parties using your name and likeness in ways that are detrimental to our company. It is imperative that these activities be terminated within the next 30 days (by Friday, October 2). Continued violations will result in fines, suspension, or termination at WWE’s discretion.”
The Superstars had 30 days to conclude any ongoing third-party network arrangements. If this can not be achieved, the fines will be suspended or contracts will be terminated immediately.

WWE to take care of the Superstars Twitch accounts
WrestlingInc has now revealed an update to the story, which notes that Vince McMahon sent another email to the Superstars this week, informing them that they have until Friday, October 2, to terminate any ‘unauthorized business arrangement’ with third-party platforms.
The Superstars who do not comply with the law will be either fined, suspended or fired.
The report further confirmed that in the next four weeks the WWE will take charge of Twitch Superstars accounts. The corporation will own the Superstars’ Twitch accounts, and the talents will earn a percentage of profits that will count against their respective downside collateral.
Andrew Yang, a former Democratic presidential candidate, was quite vocal about the new edict of WWE when it was first known back in September.
He reacted to the latest developments with the following comment:
WWE has yet to comment on the latest evolution of the third-party saga that has lost some momentum over the last few weeks. WWE Superstars are independent contractors, and the company’s efforts to gain the charge of third-party deals might not be well received backstage.
Superstars, such as AJ Styles and Dakota Kai, to name a couple, have continued to stream to Twitch, but will WWE take over their accounts have an effect on their future on the streaming platform? Only time is going to tell.