DIY enthusiast Lazuardi Rinaldi, an electrical and computer engineering student from the Georgia Institute of Technology has created a playable handheld shaped like BMO from the cartoon series Adventure Time. This BMO looks like a fully functional retro gaming console.
The components used in the design are fairly easy to get. Rinaldi made it clear that the project is planned to be as accessible as great as possible, using little to no proprietary parts.
The major components of this BMO are:
- A Raspberry Pi 3 B
- A 5-inch touchscreen
- An Anker battery
- Pushbuttons for controller input
The real BMO can do almost anything from making a toast to playing detective, even so, this one was built especially to play RetroPie games on Raspberry Pi. Thus, it might be better than the original one. The sticker sheets applied made it look just like the real BMO.
Lazuardi also plans to add some speakers so they can hear the game music. They tried making BMO’s legs robotic so it can come and find you when you haven’t played in a while. That’s quite a cool addition.
When it comes to software, the BMO handheld depends on RetroPie. The gameplay might be limited by the available buttons but a Bluetooth controller possibly will always be used for games with higher button demand.

Until now, we’ve discussed that an Electrical & Computer Engineering student named Lazuardi Rinaldi from the Georgia Institute of Technology, is behind this retro gaming build. We’ve discussed its components like; a Raspberry Pi 3 B, a 5-inch touchscreen, an Anker battery, push buttons for controller input. So, it’s even better than the original one.
So, this is all about it. Let us know your opinion on this ‘Raspberry Pi project’ in the comment section. Until then stay tuned for further updates.