Jeff Bezos added a new record and loads of dollars to his net worth. On Monday, his net worth got a $13 billion push. Inc. Shares raised 7.9%.
Want to Work for ELON MUSK? Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla & one of the world’s most renowned entrepreneurs. He…
Google’s internet balloons are wireless Internet connectivity towers that float across the stratosphere. It can provide internet connectivity to area of 80 km
Germany’s giant motion sensor is now fully built and has taken it’s first measurements. This motion sensor is built underground and measures earth’s wobble.
A recent experiment using one of our subsea fiber optic cables showed that it could be useful for google earthquake and tsunami warning systems.
In my opinion, CSGO is one of the very best FPS games out there it suits players with all games…
A trio of GTA fans have recreated GTA: San Andreas’ map in Unreal Engine 4 and it looks incredible. But unfortunately, the remake is not playable.
Samsung said that it doesn’t expect 6G to be available for use until 2028, I guess we have some time to enjoy 5G till then.
The project named GitHub Arctic Code Vault is designed to preserve open-source software for future generations to come for the next 1000 years.
KFC is in development process of creating world’s first 3D printed eatable Chicken nuggets. KFC says 3D bioprinted food is environment friendly to produce.