“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.” ― Albert Einstein.

Music leaves a great impact on our lives. It reduces chronic stress by lowering stress hormone cortisol, makes us more productive and makes us feel more powerful, hopeful and in control of our life.
Music we listen to from the age 10 to 30, lives with us throughout our life, according to a UK research.
The study
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology published the new research carried out by the teams from the University of Westminster and City University of London and used data from BBC Radio 4’s Desert Islands Discs.
The show asks famous personalities which eight pieces of music they would take with them if they were stranded alone on a desert island.
After scrutinising the responses from 80 Desert Island Discs guests, the researchers found that:
- 17 percent chose a record which reminded them of a relationship with a person, like their parents, friend etc.
- 16.2 percent chose the music that reminded them of their childhood which they remember playing on repeat.
- 12.9 guests chose the song which was life changing for them.
Bruce Springsteen who was one of the guests said that “I want to hold your hand” by The Beatles changed his life as it inspired him to start the band.

Prof. Catherine Loveday, Neuropsychologist at the University of Westminster and Lead researcher, stated “guests frequently chose songs because they were related to important memories thst occurred during teenage years. This extends previous findings by showing that music from this time has a particular meaning, primarily because it relates to memories from this very important development period of our life. Unlike previous studies, this occurs even in a completely naturalistic setting, where people are not constrained by experimental settings and have a completely free rein on their musical choices.”
The songs chosen by the subjects had been important to them during the age of 10 to the age of 30. This period is generally known as the ‘reminiscence bump’, even though they like to think it as a ‘self-defining period’ as at this span of time we develop our senses for who we are.
Music cannot just be termed as a source of entertainment. For all of us this is something more than just entertainment. Music helps us in many different ways, it makes us creative. It fills us with creativity and imaginations. Not just for adults it helps children to develop the linguistic skills and listening skills. Music therapy helps in healing dangerous and chronic diseases such as dementia, autism spectrum disorder and learning difficulties and behavioural and psychiatric disorders.
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