This is the first time that a President’s social media handle has got a suspension. The livestreaming platform stated that they are banning President Donald Trump’s twitch account for “hateful conduct”. Mr Trump has experienced the suspension of one of his account for the first time.
The amazon owned site claimed that two of his streams has violated it’s rules. The first one is a rebroadcast of 2015’s Campaigns. Where he made comments against Mexican people. He commented that the Mexicans are smuggling drugs from Mexico to the US. He said that criminals and rapists are entering border illegally.

The other stream is a recent rally that held in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He made comments over a man that broke into a woman’s house at midnight.
It is strictly against the guidelines of Twitch to deliver a hate speech on the platform. “Hateful conduct is not allowed on Twitch.” a spokeswoman stated in response. “In line with our policies, President Trump’s channel has been issued a temporary suspension from Twitch for comments made on stream, and the offending content has been removed.”
There is no statement regarding the duration of the ban. But the company has added in the statement that the ban is temporary.
With Twitch’s big step against the controversial comments of Trump. Other companies are taking actions too. Instead of suspending his twitter account, Twitter is adding some labels under some of his tweets. Snapchat has announced that it will not promote Trump’s Snapchat handle.
Even Reddit is going to ban Trump’s Subreddit community. They released a statement on Monday saying the Trump community broke the rules. But there is still a company that needs to take actions soon.

Yes that is Facebook. Facebook is ducking all appeals from the community to take serious actions against the Politician’s hate speeches. Amid the actions taken by other platforms Facebook is staying out of the situation. Despite of all the widening of rules against the hate speech facebook’s biased nature can be seen clearly. The rules are acting tough against a normal person but their biased nature towards celebrities is raising more questions.
Well the twitch account is not Trump’s major social media handle. They made the twitch account last October. There are currently 113 streams in the account and more than 125,000 followers. His twitter has 83 million followers. The content for promoting Donald Trump is not limited to the social media platforms. Trump has a specific app named Trump campaign app. The app can be used by his supporters to hear speeches directly by Donald Trump himself.
We hope that the other platforms will add more strict guidelines. Twitch’s big step can surely force companies to do so. Many companies have taken some serious steps since last month. All resulting to end the usual conducts of these Politicians that spread hate and partiality in the society.