Warner Bros. Animation has named Gintama’s director Shinsuke Terasawa as the director of DC’s upcoming Catwoman: Hunted animated film. The 2022 project will bring us DC’s one of the best vixens ‘Selina Kyle’ in an anime style. The Hollywood Reporter report describes, “Hunted picks up with Catwoman as she attempts to steal a priceless jewel. The heist puts her squarely in the crosshairs of both a powerful consortium of villains and the ever-resourceful Interpol as well as Batwoman”.
Elizabeth Gillies (Dynasty, Vacation) will voice Catwoman in the animated film for Warner Bros. Home Entertainment. Batwoman will be played by Stephanie Beatriz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, BoJack Horseman, Encanto). Aside from Gillies and Beatriz, Breaking Bad’s Jonathan Banks will play Black Mask, Walking Dead’s Lauren Cohan will voice star as Julia Pennyworth. Renowned anime voice artist Steve Blum (Cowboy Bebop, Naruto Shippuden, Mortal Kombat legends) is cast as Solomon Grundy.
Voice artist Zehra Fazal (Young Justice, Batman: Death in the family) as Talia al Ghul & Nosferatu. The cast also includes Jonathan Frakes (Star Trek) as King Faraday and Boss Moxie, Kirby Howell-Baptiste (Cruella) as Barbara Minerva/Cheetah.
While the creative staff includes scriptwriter Greg Weisman (Gargoyles, Young Justice), Ethan Spaulding (Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms), and Colin A.B.V. Lewis (DC’s Legends of Tomorrow) as producers, with Sam Register (Batman: Gotham by Gaslight) as executive producer.
Little is known about other details regarding the anime film but fans are already hyped as Brooklyn Nine-Nine star will voice-star as Batwoman.
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